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Dear Authors,

To submit a study to the Journal of New Approaches in Social Sciences, please carefully review the following spelling rules and prepare your full text using the article template and upload it to the system. In order for the professional and standard process management to be carried out quickly, the works that have not been prepared and sent on the Template are not accepted for the publication process. In order to start the refereeing processes of the studies for which the evaluation process has been started, edit them according to the Blind Refereeing Template and upload them to the system. In addition, the title page of the studies, arranged according to the title page template of our journal, must also be uploaded to the system. Except those;

• Author copyright transfer form: The form signed by the corresponding author.
• The similarity rate should be at least 15% excluding the sources (reports from Turnitin or iThenticate similarity programs should be uploaded to the system).
Uploading the documents to the system is necessary for the preliminary examination of the studies.



Full text; It should consist of Introduction, Method, Results and Comments, Conclusion and Discussion, Bibliography.
Headers and Footers will be updated by us at the typesetting stage after acceptance and should not be changed by the authors.

Page layout
A4 Vertical
Margins: Inner 3 cm, other sides 2 cm
Times New Roman
Article title
14 points
Every word is capitalized.
Oral presentation, produced from the doctoral thesis or supported studies are given with a footnote as *. A space and footnote should be given after the title.
11 Point Italic
Author's Name Surname (Capital letters only) Footnote is given as 1 – 2… as a space and a number.
Self Title
Written in 12 Points and Bold
Abstract Text
10 point,
leaning on both sides,
It should be written with a minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 500 words.
Keywords Title
11 Point Dark
10 point,
A maximum of 7 keywords should be written.
Information About the Article
It is carried out by us after acceptance.
Main Titles
Introduction, Method, Findings and Comments, Conclusion and Discussion are the main titles.
12 Points, Bold and Left Justified
6 pt space above and below
Paragraph head 1.25 cm inside
11 Point, Bold, Justified
Paragraph heads 1.25 cm inside
11 point, justified
6 pt space between paragraphs
Tables and Figures
Table and Figure title and text properties should be given considering the structure in the examples in the template.
12 pt space is given before and after Tables and Figures.
Table titles and text 10 point
Table and Number Bold
If the figure is in a graphic and editable format, the title and inset should be 10 pt.
Shape and Number Bold
If the figures contain a picture or a non-editable image, they must be transferred in Word at 300 DPI resolution.
Bibliography should be prepared in accordance with APA 6 citation principles. Font Garamond and line spacing should be 3 pt. The indentation should be placed under the 4th letter.
When deemed necessary, the "ACKNOWLEDGMENTS" section is written before the REFERENCES.

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